Money VS Food

Glen Beck talks about Preparing for the future high food costs.

Reasons  that better than money in the bank, is T H R I V E  food storage in the pantry.

When the 2008 Economic Colsape came down many people who thought they were wealthy suddenly loss thounsands of dollars from their bank accounts and you know what? I bet you that they did not have food storage in thier pantry. Even if you had to move into a tent, if you have T H R I V E  which is so light to transport and easy to reconstitute you will have at least no hunger, and there is security in that.

Suddenly you lose your job or you become too sick to work, or suffer an injury preventing your ability to  work, will you have nutritious food to eat to carry you through the rough time? T H R I V E  can provide you tasty, nutritious food that require little to no cooking to prepare and only needs water to reconstitute.

Even if you have money in the bank, can you get to the bank? Can you get to the grocery store? Will you be able to prepare your own food  with little effort to eat?

Storing your food in a manner that will ensure an easy system to ensure freshness is key to a healthy food store in your home. Here is a  video that displays a very effective system that I can offer you.
Will you able to prepare food for yourself and your family if one day the grid fails and you have no power for days?

Do you have water stored in secure, clean containers? Water is necessry for drinking, cooking,  personal hygene and sanitation.

Do you have additional emergency supplies for toiletry, personal hygene,  medical supplies and alternative heat sources?

Listed below are other reasons to invest in food storage

7 Reasons Why Food Storage Is Important

  1. Small local farmers and homegrown gardens, once sources for food to eat or can are all but gone.
  2. Most of our food is grown in regions other than our own and in fact much of our food comes from the US . (and Canada)
  3. At any given time the average supermarket only has about 3 to 4 days worth of food stock.
  4. This supply of food will disappear in hours in emergency or disaster situations.
  5. We live in perilous times and the network of food production and distribution can be disrupted by computer failures, terrorist attacks, and inclement weather or crop failures.
  6. If the distribution pipeline isn't resumed quickly people will have to rely on themselves.
  7. Preparation is better than panic.

Purchasing T H R I V E  food  will earn points that can be redeemed for free food!
Becoming a Hostess for T H R I V E   can qualify you for free food and extra discounts.

Contact me today to find out how!
Telephone: 506-508-0160

Image of Tent City  was acquired at :

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